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Smile Makeover Winner May 2020

30 / 09 / 2020

We have decided to do something special during this difficult time.
We offered a Smile Makeover to ONE lucky winner worth up £2,000.

The lucky winner was announced on Monday the 11th of May 2020.

The Winner was JESS HAMILTON

Check the full Makeover on this short video.

She was very surprised when we reach her out announcing that she was the lucky winner, she could not believe it!

The Smile Makeover is Done and Jess is very happy and smiling more!

Smile Makeover Winner
If you would like to have a Smile Makeover or if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 01634 718882 or info@gm-dental.co.uk.

GM Dental is Here to Help!

Smile Makeover Contest:

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